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Bold, daring and unapologetic, Illamasqua are a British cruelty-free beauty brand that constantly defy and rebel against the industry norms. Championing self-expression and makeup artistry, their makeup blends innovative textures with high-impact pigments to create unparalleled formulations from their striking highlighters to skin-perfecting primers.

With a completely cruelty-free range, Illamasqua believe in beauty not brutality and have an ever-growing Vegan makeup collection. Loved by makeup artists around the world, Illamasqua continues to be the go-to brand those who love to go against norms and truly make a statement with beauty.


Our Hydra Setting Spray - Matte is a light-weight mist that locks in make-up and absorbs excess oil, leaving a complete matte complexion.

This non-sticky formula dries fast to set your makeup all day. Infused with Pea peptides rich in amino acids, it will leave the skin feeling refreshed and moisturised for up to 10 hours.

Start your makeup routine with our Matte Veil Primer, and now add the finishing touch with Hydra Setting Spray - Matte to protect your look all day.

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